5th Overall at Welland!
June 29, 2011Breakfast Smoothie with Almond Butter
July 6, 2011I got hooked on running in June 2006 when I was not very happy with how my pants fit. My first attempt was to walk a minute run a minute for about 7 minutes total. I kept with the program and was thrilled the first time I ran run 2k without stopping. Eventually I became a little more serious about running not only for fitness, but I wanted to try a 1/2 marathon, so in 2007 and ran my first 1/2 (2:19).
OK, I’m not a fast runner and I know I never will be, but what a feeling crossing the finish line! It was at that moment I was thinking “I want to do this again”. I searched for 1/2 marathon training programs online and got to work. I trained and was determined to beat 2:19 at my next race. After a several different training plans and 5 1/2 marathons later, it wasn’t happening. I was finishing around 2:20-2:24. I got discouraged and was ready to pack it in.
It was in the fall of 2010 when I thought I’d benefit from a coaching and that’s when I contacted Tara. After lots of questions about my running history and a time trial, Tara had me doing some very challenging runs at speeds I never thought I was capable of and it felt great! There were times that I just couldn’t push myself to do some of the training runs but Tara found ways to change things up for me and she knows when I need to back off a little and take a break. Finally in May, 2011, I set a new PB buy 1 whole minute (I was just getting over a really bad cold to boot)! Its only a minute but I started running late in life and I would have been just as thrilled if I had PB’d by 10 seconds! Running has become a part of my life. Most times I look forward to my runs and the odd time I second-guess myself, but I’m working on that part. Tara has helped me tremendously and I think she has me figured out. She knows when to push and when to lighten up and I think that’s really important for someone like me. I run because it makes me feel good and if I get a medal for it, even better.
Anna Pape, Barrie